
The Most You Should Pay for a Hotel: Hyatt

Generating miles and points at low cost takes time and organization, and most people have neither the time nor ability to juggle tens of credit cards. Unfortunately, a lot of travel hacking is targeted at the minority who can, leaving behind those who are just looking to save money on their twice-a-year family vacations.

So, what about those casual travelers? Can you still use miles and points to your advantage? Or more generally, when your points balances are limited, can you still save money without compromising on comfort? Continue reading →

New Resource: Travel Hacking 101

Michael and I had the pleasure of sharing our hobby with a collection of coworkers during ‘hack week’ at our office, and now we’d like to share it with you.  It’s a crash course in finding cheap deals, reducing costs, redeeming and earning points and miles, as well as some other miscellaneous tips and tricks we’ve picked up. For those of you who are new to the hobby, we hope that it serves as a fairly thorough introduction and a starting point from which to embark on your own travel hacking journey. For those of you who have been at this for a while, hopefully it can help you explain to your friends and family just why it is that you spend so much time running to Target or Walmart every week 😉 Continue reading →

Hello world!

Welcome to our blog!

We’ve been fairly involved in the travel hacking community for a while now, and we decided it was about time that we pay it forward. We’ll write about our travels, the latest deals, and our experiences hacking our way across the world.

Hope you enjoy!

Daniel, Esther, and Michael

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