I’ve always been a big fan of Google Fi for the convenience, speed, and simple pricing, but always thought it was a bit costly for my needs. However, Google has just put out a new plan that fits my needs perfectly.

It’s a family plan, with 1 person being $70/month, 2 $60/person/month, 3 $50/person/month, and 4+ being $45/person/month. You get unlimited high speed data up to 22/GB per person and throttled speeds after. Furthermore, you get bundled Google One membership for everyone.

I’m currently on a 3 person family plan with T-Mobile for $110/month, but have always been frustrated with the data speed when traveling abroad. My line is $55 for T-Mobile One Plus, another line is $40, and anther line is free, then plus taxes. It looks like we can switch to a 2 line plan for $55/mo on T-Mobile, with myself migrating to Google Fi and pulling 3 more friends in.

I was easily able to start a new plan (converting my Google Voice number), and invite a mix of people who were already on Fi or on other carriers. All you need to do is add people by email (preferably their existing Google account,) and they can complete setup by themselves, including receiving a new SIM card. They indicated that I could activate Fi on my phone using the app but apparently the e-sim on my Pixel 3 XL isn’t working for that, so I’m waiting for my SIM card to come in.

This deal is probably only worth it if you are a heavy traveler and you want fast data speeds when traveling. If you mostly stay domestic, there are probably cheaper phone plans for you.

Here is my personal referral link if you are interested in signing up!