
Hilton HHonors status match and MLife status match from Hyatt

Via an official HHonors representative on FlyerTalk, Hilton HHonors has a status match program. Email a request to HHonorMyStatus@hilton.com with your HHonors and something showing your elite status in another program, and see what happens! Send your request by January 11, 2016 and you’ll have the matched status through March 2017.

Since you can automatically get either HHonors Silver from credit cards like the Hilton HHonors American Express or the Citi Hilton HHonors Visa Signature, or HHonors Gold from credit cards like the Hilton HHonors Surpass American Express or Citi Hilton Reserve card, I would say it’s only worth it to match to Diamond or possibly Gold if you have neither credit card. Continue reading →

Hyatt Credit Card Spending Bonus Offer (possibly targeted?)

Yesterday, I received this offer in my snail mail and intended to post about it, but today I received it in my email as well. The title of the email is “Earn 3,000 Hyatt Gold Passport Bonus Points” if you’re looking for it in your email (I know I always appreciate it when people tell me the subject to search for with targeted offers, especially on eBay and Paypal!).

Here’s a screenshot! Continue reading →

Make sure you renew your Hyatt Gold Passport and M Life status match

I caught this message from M life titled “Renew Your Tier Match” from a couple of weeks ago.

I was under the impression before that the status match was automatically renewed for everyone, except for some people due to IT issues, but it looks like not.

The process to renew is even easier than matching the first time, since you should have already created an M life account. Just click on the link in the email, sign in with your Hyatt Gold Passport credentials, then sign in with your M life credentials, and that should be it! Continue reading →

A theoretical travel hacker walks into a bar….

A theoretical physicist walks into a bar….

Oh wait, that’s not right. In theoretical physics, everything happens inside a perfect vacuum.

No, I don’t expect you to have taken college physics (or even high school physics, for that matter) to get something out of this post. All you need to know is this: in physics, a perfect vacuum is a space that doesn’t have any external forces or influences so that when you do some sort of calculation (say, how far a meteor will travel in a given amount of time), you don’t have to take into account things like friction, gravity, or air resistance. That is to say, you can calculate without making any other considerations. Continue reading →

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